Why We Do...What We Do...
We care about you and we care about your people! Every minute we spend consulting with our clients has a single and undeviating purpose...to bring about positive change in the way their organization thinks about, leads and protects its most valuable assets...its people. This is why we have become experts in developing and cultivating strong business cultures and programs which revolve around safety, self-awareness and self-improvement.
Human Resources
Click here to explore our Human Resources Solutions
Hiring a Risk Resilience Consultant from Arenas Consultants is like having a Risk Manager, Safety Director, Fraud Investigator and a Claims Administrator on staff for a fraction of the cost of having all four on your payroll! No one in the industry can provide the type of expert protection and guidance you need to remain competitive in today's business climate!
Control Risk
Reduce Claims
Increase Safety
Safety & Claims-Full Service
Risk Resilience - Full Service
Our Risk Resilience Consulting services are designed specifically for moderate to high-frequency businesses that are simply overwhelmed by the complexity of their liability/work-comp claims and their ever-growing impact on yearly operational costs. Although businesses can see that these costs are increasing incrementally they have little experience or expertise to control them.
As OSHA tightens its grip and shines the public spotlight on high-risk employers in 2017, poor risk, safety and claims postures will form a looming disaster over companies trying to stay competitive in today's business environment. As these mounting pressures permeate and begin to erode a company's core competencies, they will eventually cause them to lose their competitive advantage and fail.
Our comprehensive services include on-site solutions and year-round support for the design, implementation and execution of sustainable risk, safety & claims objectives. Our bilingual Spanish consultants and decades of multi-cultural experience make us the perfect partner to take control of your internal and external risks as you focus on what your company does best. Here is how:
We support long-term safety objectives
Do you consider your safety culture to be your organization's top priority?
Does your key staff understand that safety is a process rather than an event?
Do you consider safety solely an administrative function rather than a culture?
How much do you know about your staff's risk appetite?
Is your organization ready for a surprise OSHA inspection on the basis of discrimination?
Have you ever considered your safety optics and branding as a crucial part of your program?
Have you ever considered the OSHA consultation program but been too afraid to execute?
We increase future insurability
Is your MOD RATE getting close to putting you out of business?
Now that "frequency-sensitive" premiums are in effect, can you remain competitive?
What is your organization doing to make sure it can qualify for competitive liability & Work Comp rates?
Does your organization have a proper unbiased advocate to shop and purchase insurance products?
Are you taking advantage of all available resources provided by your carrier?
We enhance claims knowledge and proficiency
How much is your organization spending on fraudulent or questionable workers compensation claims each year?
Is your organization powerless to protect itself against employees who show all the signs of fraudulent activity?
How much money is your organization losing by not having a proper "below-deductible" claims program in place?
Are the people in your organization handling claims processing & investigation proficient at their jobs?
Is the person handling your injured workers properly trained on the intricacies of reporting, oversight and follow up?
Is the person handling your injured workers communicating effectively with your WC medical provider?
Do you have a functioning Return To Work program?
What is your absenteeism rate look like?
Are your first responders trained on the proper way to conduct scene investigations?
We create a model of self-advocacy and carrier oversight
Do you often feel as though your insurance carrier is paying claims without proper investigation?
Are you strategizing and following up with your adjuster(s) about your claims on a consistent basis?
- Is your claims adjuster unresponsive and indifferent about discussing your open claims?
Do you feel at a strong disadvantage whenever you discuss claims in general?
Contact us today to have a conversation about your specific needs. When you are resilient...you are in control!
Safety Training
Our live safety training services are considered some of the most impactful, entertaining and interactive in the insdustry. All can be done in fluent Spanish or English. Contact us today to discuss your monthly training needs!
Waste Hauling Operations - Click Here!
Safety Optics & Branding
Never underestimate the power of safety optics and branding. In fact, every successful safety program has, at its core, a robust safety brand supported by fantastic optics throughout the year. Our optics and branding subscription plan is designed to create and extend your safety program well beyond the classroom. We bring your safety program to life and energize your staff with professional designs, targeted topics and relevant content year round! All content is specific to your operation and can include some or all of the following items:
Nothing beats the power of employee engagement in the safety world. So how about producing your own custom safety videos? Make your very own staff part of a collective effort to bring your safety program to the next level! We will script, story board and shoot your video on site with little to no interruption to your daily operations! Let us help get your safety program rolling!
Claims Consulting
Companies can go decades without ever considering that they have tremendous power to control their claims and related costs. Thinking “this is the carrier’s job” is the most dangerous attitude any program administrator can have. Unfortunately, we've heard it much too often. This inevitably leads to substantial financial leakage. Most intriguing is that companies often know something is wrong but do not have the ability or experience to rectify the situation on their own.
As licensed qualified managers by the California Department of Insurance and with three decades of carrier and employer-side claims experience, we have the knowledge to set your internal claims program on the right path. We do this by coaching/training your current staff or by providing a total outsource, on-site solution for your organization. As licensed claims administrators, we can investigate, administrate and resolve your claims as part of our services. We can also direct and corroborate high exposure litigation efforts, if needed. We are bonded and insured to direct full service claims operations in California, we can help your team as well!
In cases where liability SIR’s/deductibles are high, an organization’s claims acumen becomes of utmost importance. Experience and knowledge is crucial to the success of your in-house program. This is because you, the policy-holder, will eventually cover most of the settlement costs. In our experience, trusting a TPA or carrier blindly to manage your cases is a bad idea. This is because the TPA/carrier should be given direction by you whenever possible. Setting the tone early for each of your claims may seem like an daunting task for the inexperienced but make no mistake, in order to be successful, you need to be driving the process not the other way around. No one should care more about your claims than you. This type of proactive discipline requires an experienced and qualified consultant to help you develop, communicate and execute claims strategy on every claim that comes through your door.
In cases where liability deductibles are relatively low, you should still be aware of the dangers of anemic accident investigation and claim handling standards by carriers. This is because claims floors are full of adjusters who would rather write checks than conduct proper due diligence on your claims. Carriers will often use “settlement equitability” in order to abate themselves of their responsibility to properly investigate, process and aggressively defend your claims. Your awareness of these and other nuances related to liability claims handling is simply a must if you hope to maintain a successful in-house claims program of any size.
Workers Compensation
The world of workers compensation is a complicated and over-regulated one but the same proactivity principles as in liability claims apply. One important area were both benefit is in quickly identifying and mitigating against fraudulent activity. Licensed and bonded by the California Department of Insurance as fraud investigators, we have vast experience in this field and have helped organizations achieve strong anti-fraud postures.
Aside from eliminating fraud, strengthening claims advocacy and developing proper investigation protocols, your understanding of basic loss mitigation techniques is key to successful workers compensation program. A robust return to work program and an efficient relationship with medical providers are key components to reducing costs and getting employees back to work!
Subrogation - Loss Mitigation
Subrogation, the process of recovering damages from culpable third parties, is another quick casualty of low claims sensitivity and poor training. We educate and coach on this basic and important function as we work closely with your staff to recover your damages.
For the past three decades we have collaborated and consulted on the defense of large multi-million dollar lawsuits with great success. In fact, it was through this process that we have been able to pin- point the organizational deficiencies that plague most companies facing punitive damage awards. We have also coached and assisted commercial policyholders facing Small Claims hearings.
Investigative Training
The scene investigation process is the most fluid and yet vital in the entire claims and safety cycle. Think of the scene investigation as a drop of water on the ground. If you don't look at it, document it and preserve it right away, it will literally disappear within minutes. This analogy also applies to the crucial on-scene investigative process.
This is why the most important player in the investigative process is your staff. Yet, how much time have they've spent learning the finer
points of a proper scene investigation? How much training on key fraud indicators have they received? How adept are they at formally interviewing witnesses, canvassing or spotting fraud?
Whether your staff is investigating a liability or workers comp claim, they need to be empowered by the level of experience only a claims
and safety consultant from Arenas Consultants can bring. As licensed, bonded and insured claims investigators, we can also provide ancillary services related to claims investigation if your carrier requires it.